
Saturday, January 30, 2016

Phonemic Awareness Songs

Here are just some of our favorite songs to develop phonemic awareness. We wish we knew who to give credit to!

*Just sing and have fun helping students focus on hearing and generating sounds, no need to put these on charts for them.

 Identifying Phonemes (change songs for first/last/middle sounds)

Tune: London Bridge is Falling Down

What’s the [first sound] that you hear,
that you hear, that you hear,
What’s the [first sound] that you hear,
that you hear in ___, ___, and ___ ? (show pictures or objects)

/ / is the [first sound] that we hear, that we hear, that we hear.
/ / is the [first sound] that we hear at the [beginning] of
___, ___, and ___.

Tune: Old MacDonald Had a Farm

Which sound comes first in these words:
five, fat and fish? (show pictures or objects)
/f/ is the first sound in these words:
five, fat and fish
With a /f/ /f/ here and /f/ /f/ there,
Here a /f/, there a /f/, everywhere a /f/ /f/
/f/ is the first sound in these words:
five, fat and fish


There is a kid in our class whose name starts like this
/k/ /k/ /k/ /k/ /k/
/k/ /k/ /k/ /k/ /k/
/k/ /k/ /k/ /k/ /k/
And [his] name is Kyle
Kyle stand up, Kyle stand up, Kyle stand up and...
Jump, jump, jump!

Phoneme Blending

Tune: Frere Jacques

Put the sounds together.
Put the sounds together.

/c/ /a/ /t/
/c/ /a/ /t/

What’s the word we made?
What’s the word we made?

cat, cat, cat

Onset and Rime

(this is Chrissa's favorite...)

Tune: Do Your Ears Hang Low?

Can we sing this silly song?
Can we sing it all along?
Listen with your ear to the sounds you will hear.
I will say first sound and you will add the rime [/-ake/]
How many words can we make?

If I say /b/, you say ___.
If I say /c/, you say ___.
If I say /r/, you say ___.
If I say /f/, you say ___.
If I say /w/, you say ___.
If I say /sn/, you say ___.

Chrissa & Stefanie


  1. Great songs for PA. Some I haven't done before. Thank you!
    (I'm Cindy Kenney-Vance from the TCRWP FB group!)

  2. Aaaah- so great to "meet" you, Cindy! Hope to collaborate with you more in that group!
