Let's consider shared reading with a big book. You read the big book with your class across the week, perhaps with a different focus after re-reading it each day.
One sample plan for SHARED READING of big book (there are so many ways this could go):
Day 1:
read the book for fun; focus on meaning
Day 2:
re-read the book; more comprehension work, vocabulary, self-monitoring and cross-checking
Day 3:
re-read; word work- ex. phonological patterns, high-frequency words, conventions
Day 4:
re-read; using meaning and punctuation to read with phrasing, fluency, intonation
Day 5:
re-read; acting out; shared writing/interactive writing response or text innovation
Could we do similar activities with a SHARED MATH SONG?!
Here's the song we started with during the first week of Kindergarten.
"Count 123" by Pancake Manor (click link to YouTube video)
We're still experimenting with what activities to do and the order in which to do them, but here's what we tried with this particular song.
Day 1:
watch the song video; check in on comprehension (ex. what's this song about, what did you notice? etc.)
Day 2:
re-watch & sing along; work on finger automaticity to 3 ("show me 2 [fingers]...show me 1...show me 3")
Day 3:
re-watch & sing along while showing quantities on fingers; focus on numeral writing and verbal path formation of 1, 2, and 3.
- Let's 'sky write' number 1...Stand up. Hold up two fingers on the hand you write with, put your other hand on your arm muscle (for resistance). Start at the top. Straight line down....Let's do it again.
- Let's 'sky write' number 2. Start at the top. Curve around. Slide down and straight across.
- Let's 'sky write' number 3. Start at the top. Curve around and around.
Day 4:
re-watch/sing along while showing quantities on fingers; focus on number sequence; give 3 kids numeral cards and have them stand up in front of class. Each kid holds up their number card as it comes up in the song. Mix the kids up; have the class put them back in order.
Day 5+:
re-watch/sing along while showing quantities on fingers & use number cards again; focus on subitizing small quantities with quick images.
Here are some examples of the quick images we made. Right now, we are using Google Slides to make quick images so our teachers can eventually collaborate with us and add to the collection.
Set A: "1 or 2?"

Set B: "3 or not 3?"

Set C: "How many?" (1, 2, or 3 with dot die images)
We'll continue to post the songs we use, the plans. and possible resources to use with them.
Comment below if you'd like to pilot this work with your K class and we will share our Google Slides with you!
How would you extend this work to older grades?
Chrissa & Stefanie
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