We decided to make our calendar a little fancier by adding our own pictures to the date cards! So much better than anything we could have bought or printed!
"What pictures could we draw for February?"
We watched some videos with months of the year songs and made a list of possible things we could draw: hearts, snowflakes, snowmen. We kept the list short.
Then each student got a white square, some with numbers penciled in so they could trace the correct number formation. They drew pictures and put it in the calendar pocket. (We forgot to make the 29 today, so someone will do it tomorrow.)
Tomorrow we'll also add the holidays, birthdays, and other special events for the month.
For March we'll try making a pattern with pictures.
Here are some of the months of year songs we downloaded from YouTube so they can be viewed at school since many sites are blocked.
How did we download the videos from YouTube?
*Go to the video you'd like to save and copy the URL.
*Go to www.keepvid.com. Paste the URL into the box and click Download.
*We like to save them to a flash drive or our Dropbox so we can view the videos on the school computer.
Have a great week!
Chrissa and Stefanie